Friday 4 January 2013

The problem with young mums.

I should mention before i start that my issue with young mums is not their age, i know many young mums who have had their first child at 16/17 and they are fantastic mum whereas some 30 year olds are terrible mothers. The ability to be a good mum is decided my your mental age, not your physical age. No, that's not my problem with young mums, my problem with young mums is....
They're everywhere! Always posting things and discussing things that shouldn't be discussed on the internet. For example... Why do young mums (i've been saying that too much, YM from now on) put statuses saying 'my poorley boy has had a cough for weeks and is being sick, what should i do?' Oh... I don't know, take him to a DOCTOR?! I literally can not understand why YMs ask for advice on their childs health to an audience of people they know very little and used to go to school with. Baffles me.
Another thing is the constant child updates, someone on my facebook feed once updated her status to inform the world her kid had done her first poo in a potty...... What?! That's is not something we need to know, sure it's probably a proud moment for you, but i can assure you i do not care.
Pictures. Too many of them.
YMs also seem to think they are the holy pinnacle of mums, they constantly intrude on other peoples facebooks to offer advice on how to deal with a problem child or what age is appropriate... Or to just show off when their kid did something faster and better than someone elses kid. Actually, on the whole this just summarises what motherhood looks like to an outsider. Just a competition with children. Like some sort of delusional sadistic chess game.
Anyway, YMs need to learn that privacy is a good thing, and that the vast majority of your facebook friends really do not give a shit about what your baby had for breakfast, even if it was homemade organic pea puree.

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